Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Packages that use Source | |
java.sql | Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source (usually a relational database) using the JavaTM programming language. |
javax.xml.bind | Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities. |
javax.xml.bind.annotation | Defines annotations for customizing Java program elements to XML Schema mapping. |
javax.xml.bind.helpers | JAXB Provider Use Only: Provides partial default implementations for some of the javax.xml.bind interfaces. |
javax.xml.bind.util | Useful client utility classes. |
javax.xml.soap | Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages. |
javax.xml.stream | |
javax.xml.transform | This package defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result. |
javax.xml.transform.dom | This package implements DOM-specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.transform.sax | This package implements SAX2-specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.transform.stax | Provides for StAX-specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.transform.stream | This package implements stream- and URI- specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.validation | This package provides an API for validation of XML documents. |
javax.xml.ws | This package contains the core JAX-WS APIs. |
javax.xml.ws.spi | This package defines SPIs for JAX-WS. |
javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing | This package defines APIs related to WS-Addressing. |
Uses of Source in java.sql |
Methods in java.sql with type parameters of type Source | ||
SQLXML.getSource(Class<T> sourceClass)
Returns a Source for reading the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind |
Methods in javax.xml.bind with parameters of type Source | ||
Object |
Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Source source)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source and return the resulting content tree. |
JAXB.unmarshal(Source xml,
Class<T> type)
Reads in a Java object tree from the given XML input. |
Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Source source,
Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source by declaredType and return the resulting content tree. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind.annotation |
Methods in javax.xml.bind.annotation that return Source | |
Source |
DomHandler.marshal(ElementT n,
ValidationEventHandler errorHandler)
This method is called when a JAXB provider needs to marshal an element to XML. |
Source |
W3CDomHandler.marshal(Element element,
ValidationEventHandler errorHandler)
Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind.helpers |
Methods in javax.xml.bind.helpers with parameters of type Source | ||
Object |
AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Source source)
AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Source source,
Class<T> expectedType)
Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind.util |
Classes in javax.xml.bind.util that implement Source | |
class |
JAXP Source implementation
that marshals a JAXB-generated object. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.soap |
Methods in javax.xml.soap that return Source | |
abstract Source |
Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source
object. |
Methods in javax.xml.soap with parameters of type Source | |
abstract void |
SOAPPart.setContent(Source source)
Sets the content of the SOAPEnvelope object with the data
from the given Source object. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.stream |
Methods in javax.xml.stream with parameters of type Source | |
abstract XMLEventReader |
XMLInputFactory.createXMLEventReader(Source source)
Create a new XMLEventReader from a JAXP source. |
abstract XMLStreamReader |
XMLInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(Source source)
Create a new XMLStreamReader from a JAXP source. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform |
Methods in javax.xml.transform that return Source | |
abstract Source |
TransformerFactory.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source,
String media,
String title,
String charset)
Get the stylesheet specification(s) associated with the XML Source document via the
xml-stylesheet processing instruction that match the given criteria. |
Source |
URIResolver.resolve(String href,
String base)
Called by the processor when it encounters an xsl:include, xsl:import, or document() function. |
Methods in javax.xml.transform with parameters of type Source | |
abstract Source |
TransformerFactory.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source,
String media,
String title,
String charset)
Get the stylesheet specification(s) associated with the XML Source document via the
xml-stylesheet processing instruction that match the given criteria. |
abstract Templates |
TransformerFactory.newTemplates(Source source)
Process the Source into a Templates object, which is a a compiled representation of the source. |
abstract Transformer |
TransformerFactory.newTransformer(Source source)
Process the Source into a Transformer
Object . |
abstract void |
Transformer.transform(Source xmlSource,
Result outputTarget)
Transform the XML Source to a Result . |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.dom |
Classes in javax.xml.transform.dom that implement Source | |
class |
Acts as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.sax |
Classes in javax.xml.transform.sax that implement Source | |
class |
Acts as an holder for SAX-style Source. |
Methods in javax.xml.transform.sax with parameters of type Source | |
abstract TransformerHandler |
SAXTransformerFactory.newTransformerHandler(Source src)
Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the transformation instructions specified by the argument. |
abstract XMLFilter |
SAXTransformerFactory.newXMLFilter(Source src)
Create an XMLFilter that uses the given Source as the transformation instructions. |
static InputSource |
SAXSource.sourceToInputSource(Source source)
Attempt to obtain a SAX InputSource object from a Source object. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.stax |
Classes in javax.xml.transform.stax that implement Source | |
class |
Acts as a holder for an XML Source in the
form of a StAX reader,i.e. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.stream |
Classes in javax.xml.transform.stream that implement Source | |
class |
Acts as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.validation |
Methods in javax.xml.validation with parameters of type Source | |
Schema |
SchemaFactory.newSchema(Source schema)
Parses the specified source as a schema and returns it as a schema. |
abstract Schema |
SchemaFactory.newSchema(Source[] schemas)
Parses the specified source(s) as a schema and returns it as a schema. |
void |
Validator.validate(Source source)
Validates the specified input. |
abstract void |
Validator.validate(Source source,
Result result)
Validates the specified input and send the augmented validation result to the specified output. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.ws |
Methods in javax.xml.ws that return Source | |
Source |
Gets the message payload as an XML source, may be called multiple times on the same LogicalMessage instance, always returns a new Source that may be used to retrieve the entire
message payload. |
Methods in javax.xml.ws that return types with arguments of type Source | |
abstract List<Source> |
Returns a list of metadata documents for the service. |
Methods in javax.xml.ws with parameters of type Source | |
static EndpointReference |
EndpointReference.readFrom(Source eprInfoset)
Factory method to read an EndpointReference from the infoset contained in eprInfoset . |
void |
LogicalMessage.setPayload(Source payload)
Sets the message payload |
Method parameters in javax.xml.ws with type arguments of type Source | |
abstract void |
Endpoint.setMetadata(List<Source> metadata)
Sets the metadata for this endpoint. |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.ws.spi |
Methods in javax.xml.ws.spi with parameters of type Source | |
abstract EndpointReference |
Provider.readEndpointReference(Source eprInfoset)
read an EndpointReference from the infoset contained in eprInfoset . |
Uses of Source in javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing |
Constructors in javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing with parameters of type Source | |
W3CEndpointReference(Source source)
Creates an EPR from infoset representation |
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Copyright © 1993, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.